Managed Feature Rich Hosting

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Managed Feature Rich Hosting

All you need for your website, with none of the hassle

Managed Feature Rich Lite (cPanel Version)



This is our Lite Managed hosting option.
It comes with the resources you need for your site and best of all we can do everything for you, including look after your updates to your WP.
Included resources:
Hosting Webspace: Unlimited
Hosting Data Transfer: Unlimited
Hosting Email Accounts: Unlimited
Hosting email allocated space: 5 GB
IMAP and POP: Included
Discount on upgrade to Business Cloud eMail
Discount on Website Redesign using WordPress and our own software (Not from someone else's template)
Discount on licence fees
SPAM & Virus protection for email: Included
Priority Support
Upgrade to Pro or Business to get more included and save on your managed hosting costs.
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Managed Feature Rich Pro (cPanel Version)



Our Managed Feature Rich Pro Hosting Account is great for any business that needs to take security of their site and customer data seriously. It comes with a great allowance, including -
- FREE Domain Name (.com, .uk, .co.uk, .org.uk, .me.uk or .co.nl)
- All for 1 website
- Unlimited Disk Space
- Unlimited Data Transfer
- Unlimited Email accounts*
- POP & IMAP: Included
- Discount for upgrading email to professional email
- Install and manage with WordPress Toolkit
- FREE Site Publisher
- Priority Support
- Discount for creating new website
- Includes up to 2 hours of website update time per month**
* Email account and email account size limits may apply. Upgrading to professional email with unlimited space at a discounted price may be a better option.
** Fair usage policy applies. Aggregate time over 3 months. Redesign of the website is excluded, but discount towards redesign is included if the plan continues or is upgraded.
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Managed Feature Rich Business (cPanel Version)



Our Managed Business Hosting Account includes everything you will need for a safe and secure website.
The Unlimited allowances include everything you might need for your site, including upgrades to a dedicated vServer*:
- FREE Domain Name (.com, .uk, .co.uk, .org.uk, .me.uk or .co.nl)
- Unlimited disk space*
- Unlimited data transfer*
- Unlimited FTP Accounts
- Unlimited POP/IMAP Email accounts*
- Managed WordPress installation
- Updates and security for WordPress
- Site recovery if required because of a Virus/Malware attack
- In-account and Out-Account Backup for your site (Multi versions)
-Backup/restore manually from local backup
- Scheduled backup outside your account for protection of the backup
- Custom error pages***
- Priority restoration in disaster recovery scenario
- up to 10 Landing pages included***
- Custom login page included***
- Discount for Managed Business Email accounts
- Complex split email account hosting, if needed
- Managed Basic or Pro SSL certificate (Required for Online Shops etc)
- Discount on creating a new website as often as you like
- Includes maintenance on the website**
- Includes the main site licence for websites we produce up to 50 pages
- Priority Support

*We will manage your usage allowances and increase or decrease as needed. The allowances on your site does not include file sharing of any sort, nor storage of files unrelated to the site's function. It may appear there is a limit, but it is mostly for our planning needs. We may occasionally upgrade sites to a dedicated vServer, if, in our opinion, this is needed.
**Maintenance/updates on the website in line with our Fair Usage policy. This includes around avg. 2 hours a month of updates to the site that would normally be chargeable, it excludes site content creation.
***On sites that we create using our own editor. Using other editors or themes may not allow or may limit what can be done.
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Free Transfer of Your Sites

From cPanel to cPanel, we have free website transfer for all server and hosting orders.

You do not have to be an expert!

You do not need to be an expert in server administration and security. Thanks to our experienced and expert team, your servers are in the right hands.

Performance and up-to-date Hardware

All our servers are kept up to date with both hardware and software.

Hassle-free and Secure!

All our servers are optimization for security and speed. Security measures are implemented, all necessary precautions are taken to avoid any adverse events.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Managed Service

Our managed services are the same as the normal service, but we expect to do everything for you. Built in to the price is that fact. Instead of logging in and doing things your self, you call us, email us or submit a support ticket and tell us what you want to happen, and we make it so.
